Water Conservation and Sustainability are industries National Storage Tank, Inc. is very passionate about. This last year we worked with Architectural Nexus out of Sacramento, CA on their new office building for Living Building Challenge Certification. “The Living Building Challenge is a green building certification program and sustainable design framework”. In order to qualify, a building must be 100% self-sustainable and all materials used in the building must be environment friendly; from the fabrication process of the materials to the distance it’s transported to reduce the carbon footprint.
National Storage Tank went through the process of qualifying our Steel Core Corrugated Bolted Steel Tanks for the Net Zero Water portion of this project. These rain harvesting tanks are made from recycled steel and all components and coatings on tanks are eco-friendly and pass the “red list” requirements. We are proud to have been a part of this venture with Arch Nexus and in promoting self-sustainability. See the below link for more information on this amazing and beautiful structure.
On May 23rd, 2018 a press conference helped at the Arch Nexus building showcasing rain harvesting and Net Zero Water Imperative in support of Proposition 72. Contra Costa County State Senator, Steve Glazer, stood in front of the Steel Core Rain Harvesting tanks and spoke about the benefits and importance of passing Prop 72 and encouraging rain harvesting and Net Zero Water.
Proposition 72 is a tax relief initiative for homeowners and property owners on new rain harvesting systems. Currently, property tax includes the value of rain harvesting systems; including storage tanks, conveyances systems, pumps, and piping. Starting in January 2019 any new rain harvesting system will be TAX EXEMPT and not calculated into the taxable property value. This encourages and rewards new construction for including these systems, water conservation, and creating a more sustainable future. See the below link for more information on this proposition.